Browsing articles from "July, 2011"

Release candidate for v1.0.0 almost ready

Jul 31, 2011   //   by jIRI   //   Blog  //  Comments Off on Release candidate for v1.0.0 almost ready

This is where we are with v1.0.0 release after recent bug hunt:

Bug list v1.0.0

I’m quite sure there will be some more errors found as public RC will be released once I finish help, but I’m quite optimistic about finishing v1.0.0 in August, and releasing naracea in early September.

Good thing is that my original estimate of amount of work and time needed to productize the naracea was pretty accurate. This is one of the scary things about software development: polishing the product to make it ready for real world takes almost as much time as writing the code. It almost seems that program is 90% done for 90% of the time.

Well, hopefully there won’t be any major roadblocks and the work will proceed as smoothly as it did so far!