Browsing articles from "August, 2013"

Naracea 1.5.1

Aug 31, 2013   //   by jIRI   //   Blog  //  Comments Off on Naracea 1.5.1

Naracea version 1.5.1 is out and ready and as I mentioned last time, I’m focusing on usability and performance right now.

That means, that there are no big announcements for version 1.5.1, just little tweaks here and there.

For example I extended Find&Replace so now it is possible to search not just active branch, but also all branches which are activated already or all branches regardless their state (which means all branches are activated if needed).

Or there is extension of PyScript plugin, which adds Python standard library (as available for IronPython, of course). (See PyScript plugin page for details.)

Or the new Twine/Twee plugin.

Or the new hotkey (F7) for rescanning spelling on the whole branch and some improvements in how the spell-checker works.

And some more fixed issues and minor improvements.

Sure, there is nothing groundbreaking, but this is still worthy update. Just go to the download page, and check for yourself.