How to setup Python debugging on RaspberryPi Zero W from VisualStudio Code
As the resources and guides are quite scattered around the Internet, here is sample project and guide for those who want to use Visual Studio Code for remote Python debugging on RaspberryPi Zero W: https://bitbucket.org/jIRI/rasp-pi-zerow-vscode/overview
Just follow readme.md (and do not forget to replace the <raspberry.pi.ip.address> with your Pi IP address in all relevant files).
Here you can see it in action:
Log.game(“Back to Bed”, Status.Abandoned);
I’ve played this one for 40 minutes or so, because it kind of reminded me of Monument Valley. It lacks the atmosphere, puzzles weren’t that interesting to keep me playing, story kind of sucks.
Log.game(“Axel & Pixel”, Status.Completed);
I played this with my kids. They liked it, I wasn’t annoyed (except for one part where you fly hot air balloon, if I remember correctly). Short point and click adventure, nothing special, but not bad.
Log.game(“Aquaria”, Status.Abandoned);
Nah, not my cup of tea. While done beautifully, It got boring for me quite fast. I don’t remember actually enjoying it. Will stay on the shelf.
Log.game(“Anomaly Warzone Earth”, Status.Abandoned);
OK, I abandoned this one before finishing, but I did have some fun with it. It is as good as inverse tower defense gets, I think there is some story, which is totally not important. In the end it is not that interesting to deserve to be finished. But yeah, fun little game.
Log.game(“And Yet It Moves”, Status.Abandoned);
I played like 30 minutes of this, and it was not interesting in any way. It seemed like puzzles will be lot of work while not progressing anywhere I would like to follow. I’m not going back to this game.
Game log
Soooo. I’m trying something I was thinking about for a really long time: keeping short notes on games/movies/books I consume. As games are easiest for testing purposes, I dumped couple of one paragraph notes here. Let’s see how long I will be able to do that.
And while I’m here: I have couple of blog posts about my next interactive fiction and an authoring tool I’m developing for it in the pipeline, hopefully I will publish them soon.
Log.game(“Alan Wake’s American Nightmare”, Status.Completed);
Short, kind of stupid, reusing same three locations again and again. However I somehow liked it. Probably because of this:
Log.game(“Alan Wake”, Status.Completed);
Long time since I’ve played this one, so my recollection is a bit fuzzy. However: I liked the story and twists were well played, I think. The gameplay was good at start, as you need to switch between bullets and light, but it got old quickly (usually, I play this kind of games on easy, so it might be more intense on harder mode — I’m not sure after all that time). It wasn’t scary at all, as there were tons and tons of same kinds of enemies. I remember being stunned by sheer size of the game, however there was lots of running through boring space. So basically good one, even if a bit flawed. Best part were those late night radio shows. I loved those. Ah, and what those stupid coffee thermoses were supposed to mean?